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 Publication Policies  

     The Publication Policies of the Journal are framed in keeping with the objective of the Journal which is to publish research work that is original, relevant, and highly contributive to the development of the world and the betterment of life in this world.


Editorial Review Policy

     The Editorial Review Policies offer guidelines (Manuscript Screening Guidelines) to the Editorial Board and Peer-reviewers about effecting the discharge of their respective duties. This Manuscript Screening guideline are updated at regular intervals on discussion with our editorial board members and peer reviewers.


Open Access Statement

     International Journal of Indian Science and Research is loyal to open access for academic work, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and to use them for any other lawful purpose. All the articles published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge any fees for any reader to download articles for their own scholarly use.

     International Journal of Indian Science and Research operates under the Creative Commons Licence. This allows for the reproduction of articles, free of charge, for non-commercial use only, and with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with Detritus accept these as the terms of publication.

     This work is licensed under an International Journal of Indian Science and Research © 2022 by International Online Publication is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0



Copyright Policy

      All articles published in IJISR Journal are open-access articles, published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License, which permits reproduction, distribution, derivation, and non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited and authors and publisher are properly identified.

         All publications of the Journal are protected by copyright laws and breach of this law is subject to legal action. Any kind of reproduction or reference to the publications can be permitted only if the sources of that information are properly cited.


Publication Charges Waiver Policy

        The main objective of the IJISR is the dissemination of knowledge and to develop research, and commercial gains do not form part of the main objectives. The Journal takes all possible efforts to support the authors by offering a waiver in the publication charges based on the quality of the manuscript defined by the reviewer's comments, the economic situation of the author, etc, on the author's request, but the decision on the waiver would be decided by the managing editor.


Complaints Policy

         The Journal will act promptly on any complaints it receives and follow the due course of action as per its Complaints Policy. It ensures unbiased, fair dealing of the complaints, ensuring that both the appellant and defendant receive equal opportunities to represent their respective cases.


Peer Review Policy


      According to the Peer Review policy of the Journal, every manuscript that is submitted for consideration for publication undergoes a strict, double-blind peer-review process that ensures fair, unbiased scrutiny of the author’s work. During, the double-blind peer review, neither author nor the reviewer selected by IJISR knows each other during the review process. The reviewer is requested to make a fair and objective review of all the aspects expected of a research manuscript like content, originality, the relevance of the findings, data analysis and interpretation, etc, offering constructive criticism and useful suggestions and recommendations. English language, grammatical errors, etc should also be considered by the reviewer for the suitability of the manuscript.


Ethical Violations

       If there is an ethical violation in some way or another, the article may be rejected at any stage.


Corrections and Retractions

        Authors may realize the need to make corrections or withdraw a manuscript after submitting it. To facilitate this justifiable requirement the Journal has devised its Corrections and Retractions Policy. Sometimes if the case demands only a replacement instead of total removal of content the Journal allows the replacement as per the directions of the Corrections and Retraction policy of the Journal.


Manuscript Withdrawals

         During the peer review process or after publication, if the manuscript is found any conflict of interest from the author side, any falsification of data or similar to these errors and asked for withdrawal of the manuscript, the manuscript would be withdrawn.


Ethical Expectations

        There is an ethical binding on all the members of the various departments of the Journal. Everyone is expected to perform his/her duties within a certain ethical code. To read more about the ethical expectations of Editor-in-chief & Managing editor, Author, Publisher, Peer reviewer, and publisher. 


Dealing with unethical Allegations

         The Journal upholds strong ethical values and a good code of conduct. If anyone finds any unethical behavior or misconduct of any member associated with the Journal, they can bring the matter to the notice of the Journal authorities. If the complaint is made with proper evidence, every step will be taken for a thorough and fair probe into the matter. All the rights of both the alleged defaulter and the complainant will be respected. The accused will be given the opportunity to explain his/her side. Strict confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process of investigation. Decisions will be taken by the publishers in proper consultation with experts.

Advertising Policy

    The Journal does not promote any advertisement. Announcements about conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, or information about hospitals, institutes, or organizations are allowed to be placed on our website free of cost.


Appeal policy against Editorial decision

        After the peer review process, if the Editorial Board decides to reject a manuscript, the author will be notified about the decision. But if the author thinks that it has been an unfair decision he/she has the freedom to make an appeal against the decision to the journal.


Confidential Information

    Strict confidentiality is maintained in matters related to manuscripts, correspondences made with authors and reviewers, and complaints made. The same is expected of the Authors, Reviewers, and Editorial Staff. The manuscripts, comments from the peer-reviewers, correspondences made, emails, etc should not be released to any unauthorized person/body/forum/website. The journal can release the communication, emails, etc for the purpose of its policies as and when the need arises.


Digital Preservation Policy

        The manuscript published by IJISR Journals is in electronic format. The Published full text of the manuscript would be available in PDF format. Achieving the earlier issues will be made on the respective web pages.   All our electronic content (websites, journals, manuscripts, etc.) is stored by our publisher with their designated servers and a suitable backup is made for the safety of the content if any mishap such as hacking, etc happens on three different servers. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same live content is kept as a backup on two other servers. In case of failure of one server, any one of the other servers can be made online and all websites and journals will be live within less than 24-36 hours. Self-Archiving: If the journal stops publishing, the journal domain, the website, and all the content will be kept in their original form for a period of 10 years. After 10 years the content will be moved to another archive — IJISR Full Archive — where it will be kept online and publicly accessible. This archive would be created to preserve all the digital content (especially published manuscripts) perpetually.

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