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International Journal of Indian Science and Research

Year: 2022
Volume -1, Issue - 6, December 2022


Article - 1:   Volume-1, Issue-6, December 2022.

Title Name:

A brief discussion of Manual Therapy in the clinical Acupuncture for low back pain

Author Name:  Dr. K. Kulasekaran,

Pages:   01 - 10

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7461731   10.5281                  ABSTRACT                                           Download Full Article


​Article - 2:   Volume-1, Issue- 6, December 2022.

Title Name:

AI’s role in enhancing the capabilities of Chemists

Author Name:  1. Mihir Khulbe, 2. Shruti Goel, 3. Reena Sharma, 4. Savita Bargujar, and 5. Abha Kathuria,

Pages:   11 - 22

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7461655                              ABSTRACT                                         Download Full Article


Article - 3:   Volume-1, Issue- 6, December 2022.

Title Name:

A study on the impact of reliable analysis-support learning on thermal physics education with the examination of the achievement in the physics classroom

Author Name:  Dr. Flavian Brian Fernandez

Pages:    23 - 34

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7372080                        ABSTRACT                                          Download Full Article


Article - 4:   Volume-1, Issue- 6,  December  2022.

Title Name:

Forms of Discrimination against Dalits and Identity Crisis

Author Name:   Dr. J. Chalapathi Rao 

Pages:  35 - 45

DOI:   10.5281/zenodo.7683634                            ABSTRACT                                             Download Full Article


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