Referred International Journal
Manuscript Withdrawal Policy
IJISR tries to maintain higher standards in ethics in publishing and we hope the same from the authors for showing higher ethics in their manuscripts. Withdrawals of manuscripts are made by some authors either after a few days of submission or during the peer review process or after publishing or some days after submission. Withdrawal of manuscript will be allowed only for reason acceptable by the editor. As the withdrawal of published manuscript (if requested by the author and accepted by the editor) involves official expenses towards updating of records, prescribed fees would need to be paid by the author.
Withdrawal of the manuscript by the authors after submission may cause a lot of inconveniences, and waste of time and effort. To reduce the occurrence of this hassle, the authors can follow the recommendations given below: IJISR requests authors,
To ensure sufficient time about the data, and information in the manuscript for its accuracy and correctness.
To solve amicably any litigation arising by any third person over the published manuscript for authorship.
To give a satisfactory explanation if any reader rises any technical query against the published manuscript
To collect appropriate permission for usage of images /figures etc or for any copy-right issues. Also to collect written consent from the patients/individuals (if any).
To ensure that the information in the manuscript is author's own authenticated work and that the necessary permission was obtained by the affiliating department or institution in concordance with their policy.
To ensure that all authors agree to the information /data/interpretation of the same. If there arises any difference of opinion, it should be solved before submission of the manuscript. The corresponding author should ensure that all the authors involved in the work decide and act in unison. Submit the manuscript only after verifying thoroughly that all the authors involved in the work are aware of the content of the manuscript
The author has to be decisive about which Journal he/she wants to submit the manuscript to.
Submit the manuscript to only one journal at a time.
In case of submission to a Journal already, kindly refrain from submitting to another Journal before getting an acceptance or rejection notification from the first Journal.
Ensure that there is no plagiarism or misrepresentation or misinterpretation of data or research findings.
Make multiple verifications of the accuracy of the content of the manuscript.
If the manuscript is withdrawn after publication, the publication fee will not be refunded.
If such a request is made after the publication of the “Early View Version” the publications charges, if paid, will not be refunded.
If the authors do not reply to a communication from the editorial office, even after multiple reminders, at any stage of the publication process; IJISR holds all rights to disclose the conduct of the authors and the content of the manuscript without further approval from the authors, and cannot be held responsible for the consequences arising from it.